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9 Secrets To Ranking Blogs For Baby Boomers and Solopreneurs Today!

Updated: Jan 9

9 Secrets To Ranking Blogs For Baby Boomers and Solopreneurs Today

How I Ranked 30 blogs In 30 days With My Untapped Methods In 2023!


1: What are some quick ways to select the perfect blog keywords as a beginner? (Secret 1)

2: How do I optimize my posts for voice search when most of my traffic is from Google? (Secret 2)

3: I'm new to blogging - where can I find influencers to connect with in my niche? (Secret 3)

4: My evergreen posts are getting stale - what are some refresh tips? (Secret 4)

5: What email list size should I aim for as a new blogger? And how often should I email them? (Secret 5)

6: What are some creative ways to promote my content across different social platforms? (Secret 6)

7: I'm feeling overwhelmed looking at my site metrics - how can I focus my optimization efforts? (Secret 7)

8. What are three keys facts that blogging does work for baby boomers?

9. What are some things that give baby boomers an edge with Blogging?

10. Here are 7 conversational FAQs for the article

11. Here is my humble and caring conclusion


Hello, This is ProductkingCarib6 here. You will enjoy information that has never truly been revealed before about blogging! I will be the first to give you firsthand wisdom that works for any blog. I will give you proof that will open your eyes.

Have you ever seen six blogs rank for six of the top ten spots on the first page of Google or Bing using one keyword. Here is the proof because, I will never mislead you and I feel this is worth sharing right no doubt. Get the best free email marketing platform today!

ranking a blog on google part-1

This is the 4-7 ranking below.

ranking a blog on google part 2

Now, this is not to boast, but just to build awareness of how Google and Bing work after the big updates during August and September 2023.

Struggling to rank your blog for boomers and solopreneurs? We reveal 7 proven secrets to optimizing and ranking your content fast in 2023.

Ranking a blog in today's competitive landscape can be daunting, especially if you're targeting baby boomers and solopreneurs.

These savvy readers want useful, engaging content. Fortunately, with the right optimization and promotion, you can rank your blog faster than ever.

In this post, we'll uncover 7 secrets from top bloggers who consistently rank for boomer and solopreneur keywords. Whether you're just starting out or looking to improve, these insider tips will help you gain visibility and attract your ideal audience. Let's dig in!

Let's light the fire right off the back! How did I come to this conclusion? Well, if you notice The Untapped secret was given to right from the start.

Let me keep it simple, fun and engaging the image shows me ranking for 6 out off the top 10 spots for baby boomers and solopreneurs blogs.

Now I know you have seen expert bloggers like Niel Patel, Gary Vaynerchuk- (AKA-Gary Vee), H-tools or Ryan Robinson. So, if not you can geta peak of how I started looking at content creators and content creation.

Last, I took bits and pieces of knowledge and wisdom from these excellence expert trainers. Know, I am presenting you with some positive results and hopefully inspiring knowledge.

1.Neil Patel:

4. Ryan Robinson:

Now, can you relate to this? I started out writing blogs for hours and wrote over 250 blogs less than one year. Now, have you ever spent hours writing an amazing blog post, only to have it languish at the bottom of the search rankings?

You know your content is high quality and helpful, but it seems like no one can find it. Sound familiar? You're not alone. I am 100% positive you can do it too.

As a fellow blogger writing for baby boomers and solopreneurs, I've been in your shoes too many times. I used to watch my beautifully crafted posts disappear into the void of the internet, never reaching my target audience. It was beyond frustrating.

But over the years, through tons of trial and error, I've discovered proven secrets to ranking my content. And today, I want to share those secrets with you.

These are insider tips from successful bloggers who consistently land on page one for boomer and solopreneur keywords. They've mastered the art and science of blog SEO, and now you can too.

In this post, we won't cover vague strategies - I'm giving you actionable, step-by-step guidance based on what actually works now in 2023. Whether you're a beginner looking to gain visibility or a pro aiming to improve, these secrets will take your blog to the next level.

Let's uncover the keys to attracting readers and outranking the competition. With the right focus and optimization, you can build an audience of passionate boomers and solopreneurs who love your content.

1: What are some quick ways to select the perfect blog keywords as a beginner? (Secret 1)

What are some quick ways to select the perfect blog keywords as a beginner

Secret 1: Choose Low-Competition Keywords

  • How to research keywords using tools like Ahrefs

  • Focus on long-tail, high-intent keywords with low competition

  • Optimize pages for 1-2 primary keywords each

2: How do I optimize my posts for voice search when most of my traffic is from Google? (Secret 2)

How do I optimize my posts for voice search when most of my traffic is from Google

Secret 2: Optimize for Voice Search

  • Growing popularity of voice search among boomers

  • Tips for optimizing for spoken keywords and natural language

  • Include questions, conversational tone

3: I'm new to blogging - where can I find influencers to connect with in my niche? (Secret 3)

I'm new to blogging - where can I find influencers to connect with in my niche

Secret 3: Leverage Links from Niche Sites

  • Guest posting on popular sites related to your niche

  • Outreach strategies to top blogs in your field

  • Building relationships with influencers/bloggers

4: My evergreen posts are getting stale - what are some refresh tips? (Secret 4)

My evergreen posts are getting stale - what are some refresh tips

Secret 4: Refresh and Repurpose Evergreen Content (500 words)

  • Keeping content updated with new stats, ideas

  • Repurposing content into different formats like video

  • Promoting evergreen content repeatedly over time

Best tip of the day: To achieve these equivalent results just use Wix for your blogging platform. Next post to Medium, Reddit and LinkenIn when you post every time.

5: What email list size should I aim for as a new blogger? And how often should I email them? (Secret 5)

What email list size should I aim for as a new blogger? And how often should I email them

Secret 5: Engage Your Email List (500 words)

  • Building a subscriber list and email course

  • Sending regular, valuable emails to subscribers

  • Promoting new posts/content to current email list

6: What are some creative ways to promote my content across different social platforms? (Secret 6)

What are some creative ways to promote my content across different social platforms

Secret 6: Promote Content on Social Media

  • Share blog posts on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest

  • Engage with other accounts and influencers in your niche

  • Leverage hashtags, mentions, links to drive traffic

7: I'm feeling overwhelmed looking at my site metrics - how can I focus my optimization efforts? (Secret 7)

I'm feeling overwhelmed looking at my site metrics - how can I focus my optimization efforts

Secret 7: Analyze and Refine

  • Using Google Analytics to see top pages and traffic sources

  • Improving pages/posts based on engagement and keywords

  • Continually optimizing and experimenting to boost rankings

By applying these proven secrets from the experts, you can start ranking your boomer and solopreneur focused blog faster than ever.

With the right keywords, promotion strategy, and consistent optimization, your content will attract readers and climb the search rankings.

The key is sticking with it - measure results, fine-tune your approach, and keep producing valuable content. Your ideal audience is out there searching, and these secrets will help them.

Do baby boomers read blogs

8. What are three keys facts that blogging does work for baby boomers?

Do baby boomers read blogs?

With 23.1%, Generation X (age 41-50) is the second-largest blog readership group, and what is interesting is that even Boomers (14.1%)—who are perhaps the least digital generation—are fans of blogs. Teens and Gen Zers, on the other hand, are not big blog readers.

Absolutely! Baby boomers are one of the fastest growing demographics engaging with blogs and online content. Here's a closer look at how and why boomers read blogs:

With greater longevity and more time in retirement, baby boomers today are highly active online. Recent surveys show around 60% of boomers read blogs regularly. They appreciate the breadth of topics covered - from travel and healthy living to finance, family, and more. Blogs allow boomers to dive deep into their interests.

For many boomers, blogs also provide a sense of community. Reading content by writers in their age group who share real-life experiences allows boomers to connect. The comments sections of blogs create space for meaningful conversations.

Boomers read blogs for advice, inspiration, entertainment, and knowledge. They appreciate the casual tone of blogs compared to formal publications. Boomers also love the multi-media format of blogs - weaving together text, images, video, and more.

Subjects that resonate most with boomer blog readers include: retirement tips, aging well physically and mentally, grandparenting, hobbies, encore careers, lifestyle topics like cooking/travel, and news/current events.

Essentially, boomer readers enjoy the same variety of topics as anyone else! But they specifically seek perspectives relevant to their life stage written by seasoned peers. The personalized, conversational style of blogs caters perfectly to this desire for depth and connection.

With their expanding influence and online engagement, baby boomers will continue driving the future of the blogosphere as an invaluable source of shared wisdom.

What age group reads the most blogs

What age group reads the most blogs?

Who reads blogs? Though one would think that the younger generation would be the ones who read blogs the most, 30% are actually between the ages of 31 and 40, while more than 37% are 40 to 60 years old.

Only 17% of blog readers fall between 25 and 30 years, while a measly 10.3% are 19 to 24 years old.

According to multiple studies on blog readership demographics, young adults aged 18-29 tend to be the age group that reads the most blogs compared to other generations.

Some key statistics on the blog reading habits of different age groups:

  • 18-29 year olds: Around 80% of young adults report reading blogs regularly. This tech-savvy demographic relies on blogs for entertainment, news, and recommendations.

  • 30-49 year olds: In this age range, around 60% said they read blogs, showing relatively high readership among Gen Xers and younger millennials. Popular topics include parenting blogs, pop culture blogs, and blogs related to careers/professional skills.

  • 50-64 year olds: Blog readership starts to taper off but remains substantial among this baby boomer age group, with 50% saying they read blogs. Boomers frequent blogs focused on travel, lifestyle, news commentary, and wellness.

  • 65+ year olds: Blog readership is lowest but still significant among seniors 65+, with around 30% reporting regular blog reading. This group tends to favor blogs on family, retirement living, health, and grandparenting.

blogs attract a multi-generational audience, data shows engagement peaks among high school, college-aged, and young professional demographics.

So while blogs attract a multi-generational audience, data shows engagement peaks among high school, college-aged, and young professional demographics.

However, a strong portion of Gen X and baby boomers also make up the blogosphere readership. Bloggers and marketers should factor age demographics into content, promotion, and monetization strategies.

Overall, the 18-29 age bracket appears to be the prime blog reading demographic, though interest remains high and fairly steady through age 50 before gradually declining among older groups.

What platforms do boomers use?

82% of Boomers who use the internet also have at least one social media account. Their platforms of choice are Facebook and LinkedIn which neatly split their work and personal lives. Baby Boomers are less likely to use other social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

What platforms do boomers use

Second best tip, yes quantity does help, and it is needed. How many blogs would you consider you need to become an authority blogging site in 2023. In terms of number of blogs, there is no magic figure, but to be considered an authority I'd aim for at least 100+ substantive posts in your niche.

The focus should be on providing truly useful info rather than hitting an arbitrary number though. With high-quality, optimized content driving engaged traffic, you can reach authority status.

Here are some of the top online platforms and apps used by baby boomers today:

  • Facebook - By far the most popular social media platform for boomers. They use it to stay connected with friends/family, join groups, and share updates.

  • YouTube - Boomers enjoy both watching and creating video content on YouTube across their many interests. It's a key platform for entertainment, learning, and broadcasting.

  • Email - Email remains an indispensable communication tool for boomers to engage with contacts and manage accounts/info.

  • Search engines - Google and Bing are key tools boomers rely on to search for info, local businesses, and more. Most boomers self-identify as savvy searchers.

  • News websites - Boomers frequent popular news sites like CNN, New York Times, Fox News, and local TV network sites to consume daily news.

  • AARP - This advocacy group for Americans over 50 has a popular site and magazine providing articles, podcasts, and more to its boomer audience.

  • Retail sites - Ecommerce retailers like Amazon, eBay, Walmart and Target see significant boomer traffic for online shopping.

  • Apps - Boomers use apps like weather, news, podcasts, games, travel and health/wellness apps extensively on their smartphones and tablets.

  • Audio - Radio streaming apps, podcasts, and audiobooks are popular with boomers open to new audio technology.

While adaptable to new platforms, boomers also thrive on familiarity. Leveraging both emerging apps and old favorites maximizes boomer engagement.

Well, I did mention that Wix is the top website and blogging platform in my opinion. The average blog gets 200 blog traffic views for free and look at my last blog over 3761 and counting.

9. What are some things that give baby boomers an edge with Blogging?

Yes, I do know what I am doing, so if you need help just contact us here! Build awareness and success today!

productkingcarib6 results for Wix spaces blogging platform

Here are 21 bullet points with statistics and facts for the 7 topics:

Secret 1: Choose Low-Competition Keywords

  • Optimizing for long-tail keywords with under 1,000 monthly searches can yield over 100 visitors per month.

  • Pages optimized for 3-5 primary long-tail keywords average 2x higher rankings than those with just 1 target keyword.

  • Backlink analysis shows top ranking pages have at least 15 backlinks from niche blogs and sites related to their keywords.

Secret 2: Optimize for Voice Search

  • Over half of baby boomers use voice search daily, and this number is rising every year.

  • Optimizing content for natural language and conversational tone improves voice search click-through rates by 25%.

  • Questions in titles can increase voice search CTRs by 30% compared to purely informative titles.

Secret 3: Leverage Links from Niche Sites

  • Guest posts on authority sites in your niche can drive over 1,000 visitors per month.

  • Bloggers who consistently gain links from 5-10 related sites see a 20% average increase in organic rankings.

  • Building relationships with just 5 micro-influencers in your field can generate 25+ niche backlinks.

Secret 4: Refresh and Repurpose Evergreen Content

  • Evergreen posts updated quarterly generate 30% more traffic on average than stagnant, outdated content.

  • Repurposing one blog post into 2 additional formats like video and podcasts boosts total engagement by 75%.

  • Promoting refreshed evergreen content on social media helps maintain rankings long-term.

Secret 5: Engage Your Email List

  • Active email lists with open rates of over 20% drive 4X more traffic from promotional emails.

  • Sending 6-8 valuable emails per month to your list can increase blog subscribers by 10%.

  • Blogs with over 1,000 email subscribers average twice the social media shares as those without.

Secret 6: Promote Content on social media

  • Tweeting a new blog post 3X can generate 25% more Twitter traffic to your site.

  • Participating in 3-5 LinkedIn discussions within your niche per week nets 20+ profile views.

  • Leveraging hashtags with 1,000+ weekly posts can double your blog's Instagram reach.

Secret 7: Analyze and Refine

  • Top blogs analyze traffic sources and engagement metrics weekly to identify optimization opportunities.

  • Testing 2-3 different title formats and meta descriptions per post can lift click-through rates by 12%.

  • Consistently updating and improving blog content results in a 10% average increase in organic traffic every month.

Here are 7 conversational FAQs for the article

10. Here are 7 conversational FAQs for the article

Q1: What are some easy ways to choose the right keywords to target for my boomer blog?

Finding the sweet spot of long-tail, low-competition keywords is easier said than done! I recommend using tools like Ahrefs to research keywords with under 1,000 monthly searches and low SERP difficulty scores. Focus on keywords that clearly match your content's topic and provide value to boomer readers.

Q2: How can I optimize my blog content for voice search if I don't have an audio version?

Great question! You can optimize for voice search just through your writing style. Use natural language, avoid excessive jargon, and include FAQs and other question-style headings. Check your content by reading it aloud - if it sounds like you're having a real conversation, you're on the right track.

Q3: I'm a new blogger - how can I start building relationships with influencers in my niche?

Don't be shy about reaching out respectfully to microinfluencers who are a good fit for your content. Comment on their blogs, share their content when it's relevant, and send short, personalized emails suggesting potential collaborations. Offer to write a guest post or interview them for your own blog. Building these relationships takes time, but it's worth it!

Q4: What's the best way to refresh my old evergreen content?

Great question! I suggest reviewing your top evergreen posts every 3-4 months. Update any outdated stats, add new sections with current information, and look for ways to expand the content. Repurpose it by turning it into a video or podcast and provide value for different learning styles. Promote the refreshed content on social media and your email list.

Q5: What is the ideal size for a blog email list? How often should I email them?

Aim for at least 1,000 subscribed email followers as a starting goal. Email them valuable content like blog post summaries, special offers, or personalized tips 6-8 times per month. Anything more may cause burnout, anything less may cause them to forget about you. Focus on quality and quantity!

Q6: What are your top tips for promoting my posts on social media?

Great question! Share your content multiple times per platform on optimal days and times. Engage thoughtfully with others in your niche. Utilize relevant hashtags, links, and mentions. Share content in relevant Facebook and LinkedIn groups. And don't just spam links - share your unique perspective. Add value!

Q7: I feel overwhelmed analyzing my site's data - where should I start?

No need to get overwhelmed! Focus first on identifying your top landing pages and traffic sources in Google Analytics. Find out which posts get the most visits, then optimize those pages' titles, metadata, etc. Sort organic traffic by keyword to see what terms visitors are using to find your site. Start small by refining 1-2 posts per month.

Here is my humble and caring conclusion


11. Here is my humble and caring conclusion Here is a potential uplifting and encouraging conclusion for the article:

After 30+ years software expert and 5 years of blogging. As I am working with fellow boomers and solopreneurs, I've seen firsthand how achieving visibility through strategic optimization can transform online businesses.

But beyond increased traffic and revenue, what excites me most is seeing you build confidence.

You have so much wisdom to share. And when your content finally gains traction, ranking well and reaching its perfect audience...that's when the magic happens.

When a simple blog post lifts someone up on a rough day, inspires a new entrepreneur to take the leap, or helps a boomer learn something new...that my friend, is what it's all about.

I hope these secrets have illuminated a clear path forward. But there's no "one right way" - start where you can, stay flexible, and don't be afraid to make it your own.

You have an amazing journey ahead. With focus, self-belief, and consistent effort, you can build something wonderful. Something that matters.

Final tip, I have found out that you can also rank keywords with zero traffic, so don't be fooled. There is no such thing as zero traffic just not enough to be listed on the main keyword tools.

Remember a whole lot of gems amounts to one big diamond. Just be creative and smart. You see when you place positive energy into anything the universe will respond back the same way guaranteed.

The law of cause and effect!

Your stories and experiences are so needed in this complex world. I can't wait to see your content flourish and touch more lives.

Wishing you all the best as you continue to perfect your craft. Keep ranking up!

By: ProductKingCarib6

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