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11 Things About Google 25th Birthday and Core Update! Baby Boomers Tips

Updated: Jan 9

11 Things About Google 25th Birthday and Core Update! Baby Boomers Tips

11 Things You Must Know About Google Birthday and Updates for Your Biz! Free video training and resources for SEO&MARETING!


Wondering how Google's 25th birthday and recent core updates impact your business? We've got 11 need-to-know tips for baby boomer and solopreneurs to optimize their online presence.

Wondering how Google's 25th birthday and recent core updates impact your business?


Hey there online biz beginners and solopreneurs! Can you believe Google just turned 25? I know, it makes me feel old too. But while Google celebrates with birthday cake, they also rolled out some major algorithm updates that directly impact how we run our businesses.

Between the 25th birthday hullabaloo and recent August and September core updates, Google has shifted how it ranks websites. If you want your site to show up on that coveted first page, you need to know what these changes mean.

I've been blogging and building online businesses for over a decade, and trust me, Google's updates matter. But have no fear my beginner friends! I'm here to break down the 11 most important things you need to know to keep your website optimized in Google's eyes.

1. What in the world is this Google update hubbub about?

What in the world is this Google update hubbub about

Topic 1: Focus on E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

The #1 thing Google wants to see is expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T). This means you need to showcase your credentials and experience in your niche. Are you a certified expert?

Have you been running your business for years? Does your content portray real knowledge? Google wants to reward sites with true expertise.

Make sure to highlight your qualifications prominently on your site. Demonstrate you are a thought leader by linking to reputable sources and providing value-driven content. The more Google trusts you as an authority, the better your rankings.

2. Do these updates even matter for little ol' me?

Do these updates even matter for little ol' me

Topic 2: Create Content for Humans, Not Algorithms

With Google's updates, they are crystal clear: create high-quality content focused on helping real humans, not gaming the algorithm.

Write genuinely useful, engaging information people actually want to read. Aim for in-depth, well-researched content over thin content just optimized for keywords.

Always ask yourself if a real person would be satisfied reading your content or find it helpful. Gear your writing and topic ideas towards addressing people's interests and needs rather than just ranking. Quality over quantity is key!

3. How can I make Google smile upon my website?

How can I make Google smile upon my website

Topic 3: Make Mobile-Friendliness a Priority

Given that most people access the internet on mobile devices, mobile-friendliness is more important than ever for high Google rankings. Is your site optimized for smaller screens?

Can people easily read and navigate your site on a phone or tablet? If not, you need to prioritize mobile optimization.

From the layout to font size to loading speed, ensure your site provides a seamless experience on mobile. Test it across devices and improve anything clunky or difficult to use. Google actively scans sites to assess mobile-friendliness, so don't neglect this!

4. Is mobile-friendliness still a thing?

Is mobile-friendliness still a thing

Topic 4: Improve Site Speed and Web Vitals

Slow, clunky sites are a major no-no in Google's book. Page speed and Web Vitals like loading times, responsiveness, and stability are all factors Google considers for rankings. They want to surface sites that offer the best user experience.

Test your site speed and work to improve anything lagging. Compress images, optimize code, remove unnecessary plugins, etc. Shoot for sub-3 second load times and high marks on Web Vitals tests. The faster your site, the better for users and SEO.

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5. What's the deal with site speed? Does it really matter?

What's the deal with site speed? Does it really matter

Topic 5: Leverage Multiple Forms of Content

Gone are the days when you could rank with basic blog posts alone. Google wants to see you diversifying your content across multiple formats like video, audio, infographics, and more. This provides value for different learning styles.

Incorporate videos, podcasts, diagrams, and other multimedia to complement your text content. Expand into new formats like livestreams as you're able. The more engaging ways you can share your expertise, the better.

6. Ugh, backlinks? Do I seriously have to worry about those?

Ugh, backlinks? Do I seriously have to worry about those

Topic 6: Get Other Reputable Sites to Link to You

Google has always valued high-quality sites linking to you, aka backlinks. But now they are doubling down on backlinks from authoritative, trusted sites to vet site quality. Getting respected industry sites to link to your content can significantly boost your rankings.

Focus your link building outreach on legitimate, established sites related to your niche. Aim for contextualized, relevant links built naturally over time. Avoid shady link schemes or spamming low-quality sites. Play the long game to build your reputation and earn authoritative sites' trust.

7. Technical SE-whatsit? Please translate to English!

Technical SE-whatsit? Please translate to English

Topic 7: Optimize Technical SEO Elements

With every Google update, the technical elements of SEO become more important. From site architecture to metadata to alt text, Google is checking all the technical boxes. Tighten up your technical SEO across the board.

Make sure your URLs are crawler-friendly and your site architecture is sound. Place strategic keywords in titles, headers, alt text, and meta descriptions without overstuffing. Have a link building strategy, optimized page speed, strong site security, etc.

Dot those i's and cross the t's!

8. How do I create value when I'm just starting out?

How do I create value when I'm just starting out

Topic 8: Provide Value and Useful Solutions

At its core, Google wants to reward sites that provide meaningful value and solutions for searchers. So a huge focus for ranking well is building a site that genuinely helps people in your niche and establishes your expertise.

Create content that solves problems, educates, informs, entertains and more. The more helpful your site, the more Google views you as an authoritative resource. Demonstrate the tangible value you provide through your writing and business offerings.

9. Can I rank overnight like those gurus promise?

Can I rank overnight like those gurus promise

Topic 9: Play the Long Game

One common mistake beginners make is expecting overnight SEO success. The truth is, lasting Google rankings take time. There are no quick hacks or shortcuts. You must play the long game of building authority and trust steadily over months and years.

I have ranked over 50 articles in two months and even some in 24hours on LinkedIn and Medium.

Ranked 1 medium

 blog post google ranking 1  with Medium

Ranked 3 LinkenIn

 blog post google ranking 3  with LinkenIn

Invest in high-quality content, technical optimization, reputation building, and user experience. Be patient and keep focusing on value. Avoid anything that seems gimmicky or trendy. Stay the course with ethical SEO and your rankings will grow.

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10. How do I know if my site is healthy or not?

How do I know if my site is healthy or not

Topic 10: Monitor Your Site's Overall Health

To understand how Google views your site's overall authority, keep a close pulse on your site health metrics. Monitor traffic sources, scroll rates, pages per session, and bounce rates. Use Google Search Console and Analytics to track changes.

If metrics drop, it likely signals issues with low-quality content, technical problems, or declining relevance. Stay on top of your site health so you can be proactive with improvements before you slip in the rankings.

11. Google's always changing - how do I keep up?

Google's always changing - how do I keep up

Topic 11: Keep Learning and Adapting

Google will keep evolving its algorithms and requirements, so online business owners must stay nimble. Make learning and adapting part of your regular routine. Read industry news, test innovations, take courses, follow experts, and lean into changes.

Stay humble and curious as an online biz owner. Seek feedback from readers and users to keep improving. The SEO landscape will continue shifting, so the more you learn, the better prepared your business will be. Knowledge is power!

The Takeaway: Focus on Value, Quality, and Long-Term Authority

Whew, that was a lot of need-to-know intel, right? The core of it boils down to providing tremendous value through high-quality content and user experience.

Build your authority steadily over time as a helpful expert. Avoid cutting corners or gaming the system.

Focus on delivering real value for humans through your writing and business offerings. Build relationships and trust. With an ethical, long-term approach you will see the Google rewards. Patience and persistence pay off!

What questions do you have about optimizing your site in Google's eyes? What changes have you noticed from the latest updates? I'm here to help guys! Drop your thoughts and questions below.

12. What Is Google 25th Birthday mean for Baby boomers and Solopreneurs?

What Is Google 25th Birthday mean for Baby boomers and Solopreneurs

Google's 25th birthday refers to the 25th anniversary of the company's founding. Here are some key facts about this milestone:

  • Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin on September 4, 1998. The company was originally called "Backrub" before being renamed Google.

  • The name "Google" came from a deliberate misspelling of the word "googol," referring to the mathematical term for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. This was to signify the vast amount of information Google aimed to index.

  • was registered as a domain on September 15, 1997. The company was incorporated a year later on September 4, 1998.

  • Google's first office was a garage in Menlo Park, California that became known as the "Googleplex." The company grew rapidly from there.

  • Google's first doodle appeared in 1998 and honored the Burning Man festival. Doodles have since become a fun Google tradition celebrating holidays, events, and famous people.

  • Google went public on August 19, 2004 at a share price of $85. The IPO raised over $1.6 billion.

  • Today, Google is one of the world's most valuable companies. The 25th birthday marks an impressive journey since its humble start in a garage.

So in summary, Google's 25th birthday celebrates 25 years since the company's founding and its rise to become the tech titan it is today. The anniversary reflects on key milestones in Google's history and evolution.

13. What Is Google Core Update?

What Is Google Core Update

A major adjustment to Google's ranking formula known as a "core update" has a big impact on a huge number of indexed web sites. They often happen once every two to three months.

By reordering the search ranks of indexed web pages, core updates aim to increase the relevancy and quality of Google's search results.

The algorithm by which Google ranks web sites is modified with each core version. A core change may cause web sites that previously performed well for their target keywords to fall in rank.

Web sites that previously performed poorly for their target keywords may, on the other hand, perform well after the lanch.

14. What is the Google Core update September 2023?

What is the Google Core update September 2023

The September 2023 Helpful Content Update was announced by Google and is scheduled to be fully implemented in two weeks. While warning against third-party material housed on websites or their subdomains, the update seems to relax restrictions on automatically created content.

Google Helpful material method Google has a method called the Helpful stuff System for boosting excellent material and lowering the visibility of stuff that is found to be unhelpful in searches. Google presents it as a technique that complements all the other systems used to rank websites.

This system's main objective is to find quality signals that match to useful material.

Google's earlier guidelines for machine-generated content stressed that the system prioritized human-written material.

The removal of that section of the advice indicates a shift in Google's position on AI content to better line it with other, at first seem incongruous advice on the topic.

The practice of putting external material on a website's primary domain or a subdomain is not new.

News media websites offering third-party credit card affiliate material on a subdomain are one illustration of this.

These tactics may have been developed with the hope that part of the parent site's ranking strength would assist the material on the subdomain rank higher.

Gary Illyes offered background material on the focus on what he dubbed "micro-sites," stating that many individuals have flagged these sites as being unjustly ranked.

Here are 7 highly targeted bullet points with stats, facts, and figures demonstrating the value of the article's topic for baby boomers and solopreneurs

Here are 7 highly targeted bullet points with stats, facts, and figures demonstrating the value of the article's topic:

  • In Q3 2022, Google search saw over 63,000 searches per second - making optimization invaluable [Source: Internet Live Stats]

  • As of 2022, Google controls 92.45% of the global search engine market share [Source: Statista]

  • Key Google algorithm updates in 2022:

  • Top 3 Google ranking factors in 2022: Page experience, content quality, domain authority [Source: SEMrush]

  • Websites not optimized for mobile will miss out on 60% of traffic [Source: Google]

  • Faster sites have 2-3x higher organic traffic - site speed is crucial [Source: Search Engine Journal]

  • Quality backlinks can increase site traffic by over 200% [Source: Ahrefs]

The table provides helpful stats and data to reinforce the importance and authority of the article topic for readers. Please let me know if you would like me to modify or add to these bullet points in any way!

15. FAQs that would engage readers in the People Also Ask section for this article topic:

FAQs that would engage readers in the People Also Ask section for this article topic

1. Is Google really 25 years old or is that just a weird internet myth?

Google first launched in 1998, so yep - it really has been 25 years! Wild right?

2. Why should I care about Google updates at all?

Google's updates directly impact your site's rankings, so staying on top of them is crucial for driving traffic. Consider them your guide to what you need to do to get that coveted first page spot.

3. Do these updates only matter for tech geniuses?

Not at all! Google's updates impact websites big and small across all industries. As a baby boomer or solopreneur, you definitely need to pay attention to stay optimized.

4. What's the deal with focusing on E-E-A-T?

E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Google wants to see you demonstrate these to establish yourself as a true industry authority readers can trust.

5. How do I make my site faster if I'm not techy?

Start with the basics like compressing images, eliminating unnecessary plugins, and optimizing code. There are also great speed testing tools to identify issues.

6. Why are backlinks so important for SEO?

Backlinks from reputable sites help show Google that other authoritative sources view you as a quality resource worthy of ranking well.

7. How long does it take to see results from these updates?

You need patience! Google rankings take time to build - usually a few months. Stick with high-quality content and optimization for long-term wins.

Let me know if you want me to modify or add to these FAQs in any way!

Conclusion: Here is a warm, inspiring conclusion to the article

Conclusion: Here is a warm, inspiring conclusion to the article:

And there you have it friends - the key things to know about optimizing for Google's major updates as a baby boomer or solopreneur!

I know at first glance this SEO stuff can feel overwhelming. But take it one step at a time. Focus on creating content from an authentic place that adds value for others. Build your knowledge and community slowly but surely.

Trust that with consistent effort and care for your readers, the results will come. Google will reward your dedication to crafting authoritative resources. And you'll start connecting with more people who need your expertise.

Stay determined and know you have so much wisdom to share! Between your life experience and these optimization tips, you have all the tools to succeed.

Keep your head up and take it one blog post or business offering at a time. I believe in you! With heart and consistency, you will become the authoritative voice Google wants to spotlight.

Now get out there and start creating quality resources that help fellow boomers and solopreneurs thrive. You've got this! Wishing you all the best on your journey ahead.

By: ProductKingCarib6

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