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7 Reasons Why You Need EYE TO EYE Video Marketing Tips?

Updated: Apr 13, 2023

If you're here, it's due to the fact that you want to understand the value of EYE TO EYE Video Marketing Tips. Did you realize that digital video marketing is a $400 billion market Worldwide?

Table Of Content

1. Start With The Goal Of Your Video.

2. Keep A Reasonable Budget.

3. 5 Kind Of Most Watched Videos.

4. What Kind Of Videos Do I Need To Make?

5. How Can I Make My SEO Better With Videos?

6. What Kind Of Distribution Would Work Best For Me?

7. How To Figure Out My ROI?

Strategies for marketing using Eye To Eye Video Marketing strategies are not new. Just like you wouldn't make a commercial and buy airtime during the Super Bowl without doing research and planning, you shouldn't make a digital marketing video without first doing the right research and making a plan.

Your budget, your timelines, your production processes, your conversion metrics, and other things will all be based on your video marketing strategy. So the first step in making a video should be to write this down and decide on it.

1. Start With The Goal Of Your Video.

Now that you know where we're going, we'll explain how to do each step in more depth.

The first step in making a video strategy is to write down the goals of your video. You should make a video for each step of the marketing funnel, if possible. But first, you'll need to figure out which stage is the most important to focus on.

Awareness: This is where a problem or chance is described and the viewer realizes they have a problem. Videos in this stage should get people interested in your brand and introduce it to new people.

Consideration: The person watching is now thinking about how he or she will solve the problem. They are doing research, asking for suggestions, reading reviews of products, and looking for ways to save money.

Decision: The answer is almost there, and you want to stay at the top of their minds. Show your prospect proof that your customers are happy and reasons why they should choose your product or service over the competition.

You should make an awareness stage video if you want to bring in new customers to your brand. If you want to get people interested, you'll need a video for the "consideration stage."

You should make a decision stage video if you're close to making a sale and want to keep your prospects interested. You can also make a video to please people who have already bought from you, or you can make a video for your team to help them be more productive or to find new employees.

eye to eye video marketing

Find out whom you want to reach.

Now that you know what part of the marketing funnel you'll be focusing on, you need to figure out whom you're trying to reach. This is another important step. If you make a video without thinking about who will watch it, it's much more likely to fail. Those who should watch it won't, and those who do won't become Christians. So, how do you figure out whom you're writing for?

The key is to figure out who your buyer is. If you have one already, that's great! Usually, a company makes a buyer's persona (or more than one) when it is developing its products or services. Most likely, you want your video to reach the same people you want to buy your product.

When you've made a buyer's persona, you'll know exactly who you're trying to reach. To finish your audience strategy, you just need to figure out the following:

Your buyer's persona is the kind of person your product or service is for.

How they fit into your marketing funnel will depend on what your video is about.

How you share your video will depend on where your target audience hangs out.

If you can answer these three questions, you'll not only know who your target audience is but also how to reach them.

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Figure out what you want to say.

Choosing what story you want to tell in your video can be both the most fun and the hardest part. You should make an outline of the following four things, which make up the main parts of your story.

The main character should have a goal. This person should fit with your target audience.

Conflict – This is the point of pain for your customer.

This is how you'll talk about your product or service.

Resolution: This is how your product or service fixes the problem.

The viewer should be taken on a journey by these parts of your story. This journey should be in line with your brand's mission.

As you write your story, you should also think about how you want the reader to feel. Are you trying to make them laugh? Should your video make them feel motivated or happy? Think about how you want the people watching to feel as you write your script. Everything, from the props and the setting to the colors and the clothes, will show this, so be careful with every choice.

The viewer should be taken on a journey by these parts of your story. This journey should be in line with your brand's mission.

Keep in mind the creative needs

As you write your story, think about who needs to approve it (your manager, the founder of your company, your marketing department, etc.) and how long it will take to implement their feedback. Changes in the script, the message, the goals, and other things can throw your whole production off. Even so, these changes happen too often. Take a look at our creative guide, which will help you handle creative feedback from everyone on your team.

(Try to) Stick to your timeline at all times

You should keep to a schedule as you plan your whole production, from coming up with ideas to putting the video online. You should have more than one: an overall timeline, a timeline for production, a timeline for distribution, and so on. Your timeline is like a map that shows you how much you've done and how much is still left to do.

Everyone on your team needs to know when things need to be done. Your marketing team may have its own schedule, your production team may have its own schedule, and your social media team will have its own schedule. Basically, be a good sport and let everyone know about plans, changes, and when things will be done.

You can get a good idea of how long the process should take by looking at how we plan our video productions.

2. Keep A Reasonable Budget.

Cash is king! Planning and strategy that are creative are important, but let's be real. If you don't have enough money, it will be hard to get exactly what you want. Think about the money and resources you have. Plan what you will make or shoot in-house and what you might hire a production company to do. Plan how much you can spend and how much you might want to save.

And always look around, both literally and metaphorically. Ask people in the industry how much they charge for certain services (scripting, sound editing, social media distribution, etc.) and how much you could expect to pay if you hired a freelancer or full-time employee instead. Most organizations are happy to give you any information you need or point you in the direction of others who can help you more.

Some videos and features may also cost more than others, so make sure you do your research before deciding what kind of video you want and how you'll make it.

​How do I know what kind of video to make?

Once you've figured out your plan, it's time to start thinking about the video you're going to make. Simple enough, right? Well, not quite...

Every kind of video and style has its own pros and cons. Some may be better for you depending on your marketing goals, while others are better if you just want to save money in the long run.

You're not the only one who doesn't know the difference. That's why we're going to break down some of the most common video types and styles so you can start making videos!

3. 5 of the Most-Watched Kinds of Videos.

With your marketing funnel, you can make almost any kind of video you want, from brand videos to FAQ videos to instructional videos and more.

Download our free eBook, 30 Inspirational Video Ideas for Your Business, to learn more about all of them.

Even though there are a lot of videos, there are some that are better for your marketing goals. Once you have a plan for your goals, you can start to learn how each type of video is different and choose the right one for you.

1. Commercials

Candy Club is the client:

commercial videos

Commercials are short videos that grab people's attention with a dynamic scene, beautiful imagery, or a summary of your company's best features. They end with a clear call to action. They're the most common kind of video, and you've probably seen a lot of them on TV, streaming services, and sites like YouTube. Because their main goal is to get new customers, commercials tend to appeal to a wide range of people and only give the most important and useful information.

Most importantly, they are easy to remember. They show off your brand in a way that sticks with the viewer, so even if it's the first time they've seen it, they won't forget it soon.

Most commercials are only 30 seconds to one minute long and are shown on TV or online through paid advertising. They're also great on your website or homepage because they give a quick and easy-to-understand summary of your brand and what it stands for.

2. Social Content Videos

Client: Wonderful

Short videos made just for social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more are called "social content videos." Most of the time, these are fun, playful, interesting, and made to be shared. They can be lifestyle shots, a montage of scenes related to your product or service, short interview sound bites or quotes, or just a beautiful shot of your product.

If you haven't seen a commercial on TV, you've definitely seen a video on social media. Almost anything can be a social video, and most of the time, they can be used at any point in the buyer's journey. Most of the time, they help engage potential and current customers because they are fun, interesting, and short.

Try to keep social content videos under 30 seconds. Pay attention to social media-specific features like muted autoplay and video looping. You can use these tools to your advantage by playing with silent audio and making loops that seem to go on forever. Also, use your social videos to show off positive customer feedback. This will boost your credibility and spread good word of mouth.

3. Explainer Videos

Chore Check Client:

explainer videos

​Explainer videos are videos that tell people more about your company, brand, product, or service. Like social content videos, an explainer video can be almost any video as long as it shows how your business solves a specific problem.

Explainer videos are excellent introductions to your brand. They should be able to explain what your company does and why that's important quickly and clearly. Most explainers are less than three minutes long, and they end with a strong call to action and a simple way to solve a complicated problem.

Remember that these videos should always answer three main questions: What problem are you trying to solve for your audience? How does your product or service solve the problem? Why should people listen to you?

4. Product Videos:

Client: Home Essence

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product videos

​A product video tells your audience the best things about your best-selling products or services. It shows how your product works and helps people trust your company or brand more.

Here, your main goal will probably be to bring in new customers who are just starting to look into products. You'll want to show off not just how pretty your product is, but also how useful and important it is. You'll also want to highlight what makes your product better than the rest. Since these new visitors are still doing research, you'll want to make sure your product video sets you apart from your competitors.

Most product videos are about 30 seconds long, and you can share them on your website, on social media, through email, or with paid advertising. Use high-quality production and sound, like music, dialogue, or voice-over, to show how great your product is.

5. Testimonials

Courtmatics is the client:

testimonials videos

​Testimonial videos are one of the best kinds of videos you can make. In them, happy customers talk about how great your product or service is and why they like it.

What a customer says about your business is more important than anything you say about it. According to a recent survey, 90% of people say that online reviews affect their buying decisions. Use these reviews to boost the credibility of your brand and persuade your prospects to take the plunge.

Most customer testimonials are between 30 seconds and two minutes long, and they can be about one happy customer or many happy customers. These videos can be used in a lot of different ways, which means you can post them almost anywhere. You'll just want to make sure that whomever you film is completely real. A testimonial that seems forced or fake could hurt your brand more, so take your time to find the right person.

4. What kind of video do I need to make?

Choosing the right style and type of video for your video is just as important as choosing the right type. Style is a more general term that refers to the tone and message of your video. It changes how you tell your story — do you have actors? Graphics? Dialogue? Particular places? Together, these parts make up the style of your video. If you choose the right style, you'll draw in the people who are most likely to buy from you.


A lifestyle video is any video that speaks directly to your target audience and helps them see how your product or service fits into their way of life. Beautiful images, action shots, and stunning photography should set the mood and show what kind of lifestyle you want your product to be associated with.

This means that you are trying to give your video a certain look or style. If your product is sleek and modern, you'll want a video with a sleek, minimal design, plain backgrounds, and modern accessories. If your product is for a group of young, high-tech people, your video should show tech culture, young, smart actors, and how the product works. Think about the style of your brand and make sure your video fits that style.

Most lifestyle videos are between 30 seconds and two minutes long and are shot in places that show off your product's best qualities.


Mini-documentaries are more about expressing your company's core value or mission statement in a documentary-style format than about how your brand looks. This is usually done by talking to important people in the company, like the founders, employees, or happy customers.

To make a big impression, your mini-doc should be short and to the point. You want to highlight great sound bites that tell people who you are and keep their attention at the same time. Mini-docs don't have enough time to tell a full, three-act story as full-length documentaries do. They must set up their story quickly by answering three important questions: "What, why, and how?" What does this video want to show? Why should the person watching care? How does your topic function? This is a fun and interesting way to share important information with your audience.

Mini-docs should be less than a minute long, but they can be a little bit longer. After one minute, people's attention spans drop by a lot, so try to tell your story as well as you can in the time you have.

Narrative EYE TO EYE Video Marketing

Aside from animation, narrative videos are likely the most well-known type. They use classic story elements like character development, conflict, and a happy ending to tell the story of your brand in a way that is entertaining and interesting. They take your audience on a journey that they can easily follow and connect with.

Because their goal is to tell a story, narrative videos often work best at the top of the funnel, when users are just learning about the problem they face and you're introducing your brand. Whether you tell the story of how your company started, how a frustrated customer found you for the first time, or how a fictional hero saved the day, your story should be memorable and help people remember your brand.

Remember that watching should be fun, so have fun when you write, make, and share your video. Use a lot of branding, and keep in mind what your company's goal is as you write. If you don't, the story can get away from you.


Animated eye to eye video marketing production is the best way to get people's attention and hold it. Animation is an interesting style because you can use it no matter what your video is about. You can use animation to make almost any kind of video. But animation is especially good at explaining ideas or technologies that are hard to understand.

It also works well with many other styles. You can use it with animated graphics or animated cutaways in a lifestyle video, or you can use it on its own. It has a lot of uses and can spice up almost any video you make.

Keep in mind that animation can be cheaper to make (no equipment needed, less time on set, etc.), but it can also take a lot longer because each frame requires more technical skill. Make a list of the pros and cons of animation before you decide if it's right for you.

Make sure you know what you want people to do when they see your video. You can add a "Click Here" button, a thumbnail of another video, social media icons, or almost any other call-to-action (CTA).

These are technically graphic elements, but they require a little more thought because you need to think about what you want the viewer to do and how you want them to do it. Think about how they are using the site and how you can present your CTA in a way that doesn't bother them as much as possible.

video marketing

How does adding a video help my SEO?

Video marketing has a lot of benefits, but we're going to focus on just one: it helps SEO. Search engine optimization has become such an important tool for marketers. 64% of users use to search when they're in the "I want to buy" stage, and 71% visit a retailer's website or app when they're making a decision. So, it's important for your website to not only show up on search engine results pages (SERPs), but also to show up high on those pages.

Videos come in at this point.

Search engines are giving web pages with videos more weight, and videos now show up in 55% of Google keyword searches. Videos not only help your website rank higher for relevant searches, but they also make your snippet (the actual content of the result listing) bigger and more eye-catching. This means that searchers are more likely to see it before they see other results on the page.

Why does video help my website rank?

Search engines give more weight to sites with videos because they do better overall than sites without videos. Search engines want to do a good job, so if they see that a website keeps people interested, answers their questions, and gives them a good experience overall, they'll give that site a higher rank.

Even though there are many ways to improve your SEO, video is one of the best.

Getting more people to click on your links. When you add a video to your page, organic traffic from SERPs goes up by 157 percent.

Getting fewer people to leave your site. People stay on a page with a video for more than twice as long as on a page without one.

Putting together good backlinks. The better your content is, the more likely it is that people will link to it.

Video: How Does Video Help SEO? – Lemonade

5. How can I make my SEO better With Videos?

Again, there are a lot of technical tips you can use to improve your site's SEO, but one of the best is to have high-quality content that teaches and informs your viewers. And what kind of content is the most educational and helpful? Video!

Don't keep your video to yourself if you've already made it. Videos are inherently very informative, but the SEO boost they give could be very valuable in the long run.

1. On your website, use videos.

When you want to share your video, don't forget about your website. Use it on any page where it makes sense. If you have a video about a product, for example, you should put it on your homepage and any product or eCommerce pages. Include the video if you write a blog post about your product. If you have a page with questions about your product called "Frequently Asked Questions," put the video there, too.

2. Put your video in between good content.

Putting a video on a page that is otherwise blank won't help your SEO much, though. Make sure that your video is embedded on a page that has a lot of relevant and useful information. This will let search engine crawlers know that your site has not only interesting multimedia but also a lot of useful and valuable information. Make sure the content is related to your video. Sometimes posting a transcript of the video can also help a lot.

3. Be consistent – post video content often!

One interesting video is great, but the more you post, the better. It might not be possible to post videos every day or for every project, but if you're working on a big campaign or a project that would really benefit from videos, put some resources toward making videos. Even putting text over a stock video can make your website more interesting and bring more people from organic search.

4. Don't overlook the small things.

SEO is about 50 percent good content and 50 percent technical details. Video is no different. When you put your video on your site, don't forget the technical details that will make it visible to crawlers indexing your site: title, description, tags, and annotations. Most places where you can host videos will let you change these things.

How do I get my video out there?

You've made a great video, and everyone on your team loves it. What's next? How do you get people to actually watch it and share it? Well, it all comes down to how things are shared!

For your video to be successful, you need to get it out there through the right channels. Owned, paid, and earned distribution channels all have their own pros and cons, but using the right mix of them can take your video to new heights, increase brand awareness, and convert users at every stage of the marketing funnel.

Let's take a closer look at each of these things.


Putting your video on all the channels you own is probably the easiest way to share it, and it's also the only way you can't skip it. It includes everything you own, like your website, PDFs, digital documents, email lists, eCommerce pages, apps, and more.

These channels are the main places where people can find out about your company and brand, so use each one in a smart and purposeful way.

youtube videos

Here are some ways to get your video out there that you should use.


Put your video on as many of your website's pages as you can, from the home page to the eCommerce pages. This will not only bring more people to your site, but it will also keep them there. Even better if you have more than one video! This is the first place you'll want to start getting views on your video, and they're likely to be the most important.


No matter what your video is about, you should definitely post it on your blog. Visitors will expect your blog to have all of the relevant product news you have to share, as well as content that is both educational and about your brand. Even better, if someone is looking at your blog, it means they are ready to spend time reading your posts. Video is a great way to get their attention.


Email is a simple way to get in touch with people who have already used your brand or given you their contact information. You can put your video in any newsletter, email sequence, automated email, or promotional email. This gives you a direct line of communication.

Social Media (organic)

Video content is becoming more and more important to social media algorithms, so you'll want to promote your video multiple times on all your social media channels, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. Videos get 1,200% more shares than links and images combined, so this is an important (and easy) place to promote your video and reach a large audience.

Since you own these channels, using them to share your video shouldn't be a problem. With a simple update to your website or email blast, your video can reach more people and tell your brand's story to the people who want to hear it the most.

Start right away!

Paid distribution, which is when you pay money for your video to be shown in ads, has become almost a must for marketing any video well. Most sites, like Facebook or content sites like Buzzfeed, don't charge for using their services, so charging for distribution has become their only way to make money. This means that video creators like you sometimes have to pay more to get your content seen by more people.

But it's fine! Even a small budget for advertising can bring in a lot of money, and with the right mix of paid and free distribution, your video can reach the right people are some paid ways to spread your message you should use.

Look for Ads

Search ads don't work well with videos yet, but you can target high-volume keywords related to your product, service, or brand and make a landing page for your video content. Whether you want to teach people about a certain topic or show off your product, you can use these high-traffic keywords to bring people to your page for a low cost per click and make a lot of money.

Social Media (Paid)

Paid social media posts can spread your content far, just like free social media posts can. Paid posts, on the other hand, let you reach the exact people you want to see your ads. Paid advertising lets you show your content to people who fit certain demographics, locations, income levels, interests, and more. This way, you can make sure that only the people who are most likely to buy from you see your ad.

Local advertising

With native advertising, your video content is put on a third-party website in a way that fits in and doesn't bother the user. For example, if you own a bakery and made a commercial about all the different kinds of cakes you sell, your video might be embedded in an article about baking on a food website. This kind of advertising costs a little more than social or search ads, but it brings in a lot of money because the content is so relevant.

Paid-for content

This is any kind of paid content, usually made by a company to promote another company or brand. It's written in the style of the site that publishes it, like native advertising, but it's not an ad. Instead, it's a useful piece of written or visual content that's meant to teach the reader something. Most of the time, sponsored posts are also shared naturally on social networks. This gives them an extra boost when it comes to getting out there.

Reaching Out to Influencers

Influencer outreach is a type of distribution that can be paid for or earned. Basically, you ask "influencers," which are social accounts or people with a lot of followers, to share or promote your content. They might do it for free, but the right influencer might need a bigger reason. Work with them to make a video that will help you both.


Due to the fact that it can't be controlled, earned video distribution is one of the hardest ways to get your video out there. Earned media means that, no matter how hard you try, you're basically leaving this distribution up to chance, though there are some things you can do to move the needle in your favor. Since earned media doesn't cost anything, all you have to do is put in the work and don't be afraid to follow up.

Though earned media can be a little unpredictable, here are a few ways you can increase your earned distribution efforts.

Social Media

Social sharing is one of the simplest forms of earned distribution. It usually happens on its own, but you can get the ball rolling to make sure it does. Set up a schedule to share videos from your business and personal accounts on all of the social networks you use. Send friends and family a private message telling them to do the same. If you know anyone in a related field or industry, make sure they share your content as well. Even though it's not the best way to get people to share, you can also use an app like Rafflecopter to hold a contest or give away something.

Reviews of products

Sending your product to online reviewers like YouTube influencers or asking your customers to write or record their own reviews is an easy way to get other people to make content for you and talk about you. This spreads the word about your brand and makes it more credible (as long as the reviews are good).

PR in the past

Depending on your industry and the type of video you make, more traditional ways of getting the word out about your video, like a press release or a post on a trade website, could be helpful. Working with a PR firm could be helpful, but you could also reach out directly to site administrators on niche sites related to your fields, such as health and wellness sites, fitness sites, major food sites, tech sites, and more. Ask to be in their newsletter or send them a link to your video in a press release. The more official your campaign, the better.

Marketing with influencers

This includes any kind of marketing that an influencer does for free, like shoutouts on social media, reviews of products, endorsements, mentions, and more. Many influencers are willing to help you spread your content in exchange for something, like a mention, a free trial of your services, or a long-term relationship.

Think about what you would be willing to do to get your video seen. Depending on how much more exposure they can give you, it may be worth it.

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6. What kind of distribution would work best for me?

We can’t say this enough: It all depends on your video goals and strategy.

The best thing to do is to use all three methods. You know who will watch your video, and hopefully, you know how they will react to it. Pay attention to the method of distribution that will give you the best return. If you work in the movie business, you might do your best to put more of your attention on paid distribution.

If you are researching cancer, earned media might be the way to go. Are you a business owner who just started your own company? Use the channels you own to get the word out. It depends on a lot of things, so do some research and see what works best for you.

But owned distribution is always a must since you own these channels and have full control over them. This is where it's easiest to get started, and there are also the most opportunities because there are so many ways to get the word out. If one way of saying "owned" doesn't work, surely another will. And if your goal is to get leads, it's especially important to use your owned channels.

Paid distribution is also very important, but how much you can do will probably depend on how much money you have. You should think more strategically about where your best customers are and spend most of your money there.

And because there are so many different types of paid advertising, even within one channel (Facebook has 11 different types of ads), you want to test every channel and distribution method. Don't spend all of your distribution budgets until you know which will give you the best return.

Like owned, earned distribution is free. You don't have much to lose by using it, other than time and effort, but the payoff can be a lot less predictable than with owned and paid. From SEO efforts that improve your search presence to building relationships with influential people you've never met, you never know what your return on investment (ROI) will be. It could be huge, or it could be nothing at all. But don’t skip earned distribution altogether! Take a little more time to plan out how your earned channels can help you reach your video goals.

Don't keep waiting.

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How will I know if my video works?

We are picky about how we measure success at Lemonlight. We love videos that go viral and get a lot of views, but really? We care more about videos that get things done. On paper, a million views look great, but it might not help your business at all.

We want you to think this way, putting results first. The most important thing is to keep an eye on the metrics that actually help you reach your video goals. Don't let a high impression count blind you, or at least don't let impression count alone! Learn how certain metrics really relate to the success of a video, and you'll not only get a million views, but also a lot of sales.

Key Success KPIs

So, besides the number of times a video is watched, what are the most important metrics to track?

Different goals have different ways to measure success. We've put some of the most important metrics into groups based on where your ideal customer is in the marketing funnel. Even though it would be best to track all of the metrics below, we know that your resources, data platforms, and ability to report might be limited. If you can't keep track of them all, just keep track of the ones that are important to your goal.


Do you want to get more people interested in your brand? This goal at the top of the funnel is the most general and likely the easiest to measure. To get people interested in your brand, you need to show them how it solves a problem they just heard about. This is likely to be the first time you talk to them, so you want it to be a good one.

Here, the number of views is important, but so is the number of unique visitors and the increase in brand awareness and recall. Most sites that host videos share this information, so it shouldn't be hard to find. Lifts in how viewers feel about something are a little harder to find, but surveys or short questionnaires on sites like Facebook and YouTube are often used to measure them.

Pay attention to these metrics:



Unique Users

Awareness Lift

Ad Recall Lift


Do you want to get people interested? Since you've already told people who you are, you should now work on keeping their attention. Video is one of the most interesting types of content, so you need to make sure your video is doing its job. Your video should be fun, interesting, and captivating. Don't lose your audience in the first few seconds!

Engagement can be measured in many ways, but watch time and view-through rate are two of the most important ones. These are the numbers that will tell you the most about how interesting your content is. Favorability and interest in a brand both went up, even though the absolute numbers went down. When you post your video on social media, you can also measure engagement with things like comments and shares. Pay attention to these metrics:

Rate of Viewing

Look at Time

Favorableness Go Up

Think About It Lift

Brand Interest Lift


Time to take care of your potential leads! If your audience has come this far in the marketing funnel, it means that your marketing is working. This concept is called eye to eye video marketing. The nurturing stage is one of the hardest, but it's quick and easy to measure.

If you've done a good job of nurturing, you'll see it in the number of people who buy from you. What you want these conversions to be is up to you. They could be sales, social shares, contact information, or anything else. But when a wanted action is done, it means that your video is doing exactly what you want it to.

Because you decide how to define a "conversion," the metrics to use here can be different. Most of the time, a good video will get a lot of clicks, calls, signups, or sales. A good video may also lead to more interaction with your brand. This means that your video kept the viewer's attention, but they may need a little more information before making a decision.

email for video conversions

Pay attention to these metrics:





Purchase Intent Lift


Your viewer is now an actual customer! Your goal here is to keep them interested in your brand so they will buy from you again or see the value in it. Any video that makes people happy is a success, and the more time they spend watching, the more likely they are to be happy.

The tone of your video will be very important here. A long, boring educational video probably won't make your customers happy as as a short, funny social media video. When you look at your data, keep this in mind: the rate of people watching a 15-second video will probably be much higher than that of a two-minute video.

Keep an eye on metrics like views, view-through rate, and impressions, but also pay attention to metrics like return visits and purchases. These will show you how much people trust your brand and how well your video keeps them happy after they've bought something.

Pay attention to these metrics:

Return Visits

Social Engagement

Favorableness Go Up

7. How to Figure Out My ROI?

You have key performance indicators (KPIs), but KPIs alone don't mean money in the bank. You still need to turn your key performance indicators (KPIs) into accurate, reliable numbers that your marketing team can support.

This is an important step, but keep in mind that not all metrics will directly relate to revenue. Some metrics, like increases in how much people like or think about a brand, don't pay off right away. They can take months or even years to work out, so be patient and make sure you have detailed tracking turned on so you can do a better job of connecting your video metrics to sales.

But you can use some tips to figure out how much money your video is making.

In the attract stage, your watch metrics, such as the number of views, the number of impressions, and the number of unique users, give you a pretty good idea of how many people you've shown your brand, product, or service to. You might have a formula for how many top-funnel users end up converting, which you can then apply to your unique user count.

You can also measure your real conversion rate or use a cost-per-view calculator to find out how many people need to watch your video before it starts making money. Behavior tracking can also show you how many people watch your video, look around your site, and then buy something from you.

Engage is the hardest stage to link to hard, cold sales. Users aren't necessarily looking to buy here, so they can watch your video, learn something, and not come back to your website for a long time. Try to keep detailed track of user behavior so you can see the big picture. Drop cookies and get path information for everyone who watches your video or visits your site. Then you can see how many people who visit your site actually buy something from you.

If you want to keep prospects interested, you should give them an action they can take right away. In this case, measuring the ROI is as easy as making tracking links that give you this information right away. Increases in your desired action taken should show you your exact lift in revenue.

(For example, if you count an email signup as a conversion, an increase in signups should directly lead to an increase in sales, all other things being equal.) You'll also have the user's information on file and be able to track if or when they convert.

You have key performance indicators (KPIs), but KPIs alone don't mean money in the bank.

Finally, revenue that comes from delighting your customer should be easier to track since you already have a purchase on file. You’ll likely have a user profile for each customer or some form of contact information from them — every return visit won’t correlate to a new sale, but tracking their behavior will give you a good idea of how many return visitors convert.

Then, multiply this number by the number of repeat visitors to your website, and you're done! Your sales team should also have a good idea of how many first-time buyers buy from you again.

How to Choose the Best Data Platform

There are so many tools for analytics that they can make your head spin. Which kinds of videos are best for your team or business?

Your budget will play a big role in deciding which analytics platform you should use. If your company has a lot of data and every department relies on accurate reporting, you may have already bought a paid platform that can handle all of your video needs. If not, there are tons of free tools you can use that are just as good as some of the bigger, paid-for options.

Take a look at our top 13 picks for video analytics platforms — use one or use a combination to get the most reliable information possible.

Video Hosts

Choosing a host for your videos is pretty much a must. Most platforms for hosting videos give you a lot of information and a lot of insights in real time, which is great. Sometimes those insights are enough, but if you're putting your video in more than one place, you don't want to rely on just one source of data.








Social Platforms

Posting your video on social platforms is also basically required, though the social channels you choose may differ depending on where your audience is most active.

You’ll also want to think about posting your video natively; most social platforms give native videos preference over video links from other sources. When you can, post your video on the platform where it was made, and keep an eye on the data for that platform.






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social media for video marketing

Platforms for analytics

A good way to see all of your important data and where it comes from is through an analytics platform. The good thing about these platforms is that they can connect all of your marketing efforts, like ads, social media posts, referral sources, audience demographics, and much more. These simplify tracking efforts and put all your data conveniently in one place. There are tons of analytics tools, but here are our favorites.


Analytics from Google

Change and improve my content

When you have results, you can see where you did well and where you can improve. Fix as much as you can about how your video is distributed, who it's for, and what it's about to improve its performance.

There are many things you can do to optimize your efforts. Here are just two ways you can improve your current and future video content to reach your marketing goals more effectively.

Check out how you can improve your video.

How can you get the most out of the video you have? Can you make the call to action stronger? Can you share it somewhere else? Think of creative ways to get more people to see and use your video. If you want more people to see your video, you could share it on a new channel.

If your click-throughs or conversions aren't as good as you'd like, see if you can add an end card with a bigger CTA, change the copy in the description, or give people a reason to click through, like a limited-time discount or a contest.

You can also change how your video is put together. If your view-through rates are low, people quickly lose interest in what you're showing them. Try making a shorter version of your video that people will find more interesting. Try adding some pictures to the text to make it more interesting. Even though you don't want to get rid of your original video completely, making different versions of it might help you get better results.

Use what you've learned here to make better videos in the future.

You also want to use your data and new knowledge to change your video strategy for the future. Your video's length should be based on how many people watch it all the way through.

The content, characters, and voice-over should be based on who will be watching it, and the most successful distribution channels should help you decide where to put your distribution efforts first. Use this information to make a more detailed plan for the next time, so that any marketing videos you make in the future will be more likely to do well.

It's Time to Start!

The rise of video marketing gives brands like yours a unique chance to stand out. As consumers continue to prefer video to other forms of content, they’re now expecting brands of every size and in every industry to connect with them using video. Platforms are increasingly prioritizing video content, and even new devices like phones and tablets are more video ready than ever before. So, if you want to be competitive, you need to use this great marketing tool to its fullest. If you wait too long, you'll lose more customers.

Take a look at some of our favorite brand video examples here!

Now, it's easier than ever to make a short, beautiful video. You can hire experienced freelancers on the spot, or you can hire a company that will take care of everything for you. Also, making a video doesn't cost much, so you don't have to worry about going broke making a branded video you'll love.

Overwhelmed? Trust us, it’s a lot to take in. But this plan should be your first step toward an effective and profitable video marketing strategy that will change the way your company thinks about the video.

What's holding you back?

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By: ProductKingCarib Resource Academy

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